SALVADOR SOLOMON is an unknown contemporary closet writer. A wandering troubadour on a quest to reinvent himself. Salvador’s narrative range from diverse topics frequently derived from first-hand account, and personal experience. He has traveled to over three dozen countries, lived in 12 cities and four continents in his lifetime. Salvador’s early work and composition first appeared in his alma mater’s school newspaper. Most often, at the behest of friends, he has occasionally contributed his work exclusive to private websites belonging to associations for which he is a member. Nevertheless, his work’s online footprint has remained virtually discreet in this digital age.
A collection of his early compositions was privately published in limited quantity during the 1990’s, and no other reprinting has been granted. The copies has since remained in private hands of trusted friends and associates. His works are registered in both US and Canadian copyright office.
Salvador in essence, is a very private and reserved individual who truly value his privacy. A master of obscurity, he's fiercely devoted to remain reclusive in the age of social media. Salvador’s other passion includes road trips, hiking, Krav Maga, culinary experimentation, calligraphy, and DIY (do-it-yourself) projects. He is a history enthusiast, an avid photographer, and an unbalanced ambivert.
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